We follow safe delivery procedures:
Use of gloves and portioning tools.
Sealed delivery bags.
Sanitized delivery equipment.
Regular handwashing.
Wearing of face masks
Checking of temperature.
Rider will keep a 6-foot distance during transactions.
Get your delivery directly from the delivery bag.
You may leave your payment and get your change in the container provided.
Because your safety is our priority, our crew ensures:
Temperature Checks
We do temperature checks regularly & before entering the restaurant.
Contactless Preparation
We handle our ingredients with the right gloves and portioning tools.
Proper Hygiene
We wash our hands every hour or when necessary with liquid soap.
Workplace Sanitation
We frequently clean and sanitize both our kitchen and your seating area.
Friendly reminders from The World Health Organization:
Wash your Hands
Regularly & thoroughly wash your hands with soap & water for about 20 seconds
Avoid touching eyes, nose & mouth
Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth to reduce exposure to virus
Maintain Social Distancing
Maintain at least 1 meter distance from anyone. Shaking hands is discouraged
Practice respiratory hygiene
Regularly & thoroughly wash your hands with soap & water for about 20 seconds